The Alastair Ramsay Award
Alastair Ramsay (W85) was an Old Carthusian (OC) of remarkable qualities.
Following significant academic and sporting achievements at Charterhouse, he went on to Oxford and then to a highly successful career in which he combined professional excellence with an abiding commitment to charitable causes, especially in the developing world. A passionate traveller, Alastair contributed to a range of projects working to make the world a better and a fairer place, before dying tragically young in 2007 aged just 39.
The Alastair Ramsay Award, as well as perpetuating Alastair’s memory, is intended to inspire and support Carthusians in developing a similar commitment to international charitable causes. Worth £3,000 (which can be split between more than one winner), it is awarded annually to a Carthusian or young OC who wishes to spend time undertaking socially responsible activity abroad. The nature of this activity could be almost anything, provided that it impacts positively on those in need and contributes to the development of society, whilst also furthering the individual’s own sense of commitment to citizenship and service. For example, it might involve volunteering as a teacher; helping with building or sustainability projects; working with a corporate SR team in a less advantaged area; or acting as a mentor to young people abroad, in a camp or educational setting. It might involve working in any environment from the outdoors to the classroom to the research lab to the operating theatre.
What matters is that the nature of the work is fundamentally about helping others, and supporting the development of poorer communities around the world.
Award recipients are expected, as well as carrying out their project, to help disseminate the value of charitable work throughout the School, for example by writing about their experiences, and presenting to younger pupils.