Tim Stilwell B83
I have many happy memories from School! Hitting a six playing for the 1st XI on Green and belting out Jerusalem at the top of my voice in a packed Chapel on a balmy summer’s evening at the end of CQ 83 are particular highlights!
After Charterhouse I read History at Birmingham University, '84-87. I worked as an instructor on an outdoor Centre in Windermere in '88 then taught History and PE at St Peters High School, Exeter, between 1989-92. Between 1992 and 1996 I undertook full time youth work at Holy Trinity church in Brompton and then I ordained as a full time minister in the CofE in Bristol Cathedral in 1998. I came to Christian faith through the talks I heard at the C.U. at Charterhouse. My faith has shaped my life choices since leaving School including, obviously, pursuing the call to serve as a vicar in the Church of England.
I have served parishes in Bristol, Hammersmith and Fulham since then. Currently I’m vicar of St Dionis church (www.stdionis.org.uk), Parsons Green, Fulham, London SW6, and have been here 15 years. I’m very much enjoying the buzz of living in the centre of the ‘village in the city’ – which is how the local community describes Parsons Green. Married to Jo with three grown up children I’m also a season ticket holder at Craven Cottage (Fulham FC). A frequent visitor to Chamonix for snow and ice climbing (while trying to stave off old age!) I’m also a keen cyclist round Richmond Park and beyond.
The kettle is always on for any OC passing this way!