Annual Dinner 2017

The OC Media & Literary Society held its fifth annual pre-Christmas dinner at Beaufort House, Chelsea, on 16 November, with Chris Jackson as guest speaker.

Chris (L98) is a regular contributor to outlets such as Salon, The Hill, The Islamic Monthly, Politics and Spear's. Before becoming a freelance writer in 2015, he trained as a lawyer and as a journalist. He is the author of two critically acclaimed collections of poetry ‘The Gallery’ (University of Salzburg, 2013) and ‘The Monkey Fragment’ (Originals Plus, 2017), as well as two books of non-fiction; ‘The Fragile Democracy’ (Eyewear Publishing, 2016), and ‘Roger Federer: Portrait of an Artist’ (Eyewear Publishing, 2017). A biography of Theresa May is forthcoming in 2018. 

A total of 19 OCs attended, from across the years and Houses, to hear Chris talk movingly about his time at the School including English lessons with the late Philip Balkwill, as well as recite from his own poetry collection.

Dates for 2018 OCMLS meetings are Thursday 22 March, a Wine Tasting evening mid-June (date TBD) for Summer Networking Drinks and 15 November, for the Annual Dinner. More details to follow or on Charterhouse Connect.

Adam Coulter S87, Chair, OCMLS