Why We Need Your Support

Charterhouse owes its existence to Thomas Sutton’s benefaction of 1611 and many developments since then - from the Memorial Chapel to The Hub – have been made possible by the generosity of a host of contributors.

Our development plans focus on enhancing the education of current and future generations of Carthusians, ensuring they are as future-ready as possible, with the
flexibility to embrace opportunities in life, while making a positive contribution to the world.

Unlike some other schools, we do not have significant capital reserves or a large
endowment that we can rely on to fund major new initiatives and increase bursary provision.

We do not wish to increase the level of our fees any more than is absolutely necessary as this would put Charterhouse beyond the reach of increasing numbers of families at a time when one of our core objectives is to provide more opportunities for pupils from diverse backgrounds.

Our approach is to encourage philanthropic contributions from OCs, past and present parents and others who value the enduring educational excellence for which we stand.

Gifts from UK taxpayers are eligible for Gift Aid.  Donors in certain other parts of the world such as Hong Kong and the US can also make tax-efficient contributions.  Please refer to Ways of Giving for more information.

Please help us drive forward the School’s plans to enable us to offer the very best all-round education in the UK by making a gift today. Thank you.

For more information please contact the Foundation Office.