Community Action

All of us who live and work at Charterhouse feel privileged to be part of the wider community in Godalming, a thriving and delightful town with a huge amount going on. Carthusians are engaged in the local community in a variety of ways, including (but certainly not limited to!):

  • volunteering with a range of local charities, projects and events;
  • giving recitals for churches, community groups, and care homes;
  • engaging, through the Sixth-Form ‘Creativity Action Service’ programme, with local service and volunteering opportunities – currently, this includes a group at the Royal Surrey Hospital, others working in charity shops, or giving their time to local organisations;
  • contributing to the town’s cultural life, for example through membership of the Godalming Youth Orchestra or performing at local functions;
  • working with local social enterprises, for example through our tree-planting project with Roots for the Future.

Calendar & Term Dates

School Shop

Information for Parents

Charterhouse Terminology

Charterhouse Club