Our vibrant way of teaching modern languages includes outside lectures, visits to see films, plays, exhibitions, as well as trips abroad and exchanges. The department prides itself on having of a team of dedicated and passionate teachers who work tirelessly to provide our pupils with the necessary tools to become linguistically competent.
When it comes to Christmas cookies, German bakers know what they're doing. The Year 9 German class baked Weihnachtsplätzchen in teams during their lesson on Wednesday 6 December following a recipe in German.
It is an advent tradition for German families to bake together and many have traditional recipes which have been passed along for generations.
The pupils enjoyed the snap and taste of their Vanilla Plätzchen. The sweet scent of cinnamon and vanilla wafted through the whole of Duckites House. Returning 'Ducks' commented at quarter (morning break) on the lovely aroma of baking.
Frohe Weihnachten! Merry Christmas!
Thank you to Head of German, Mr Roderick Duke for bringing this tradition to School.