

Join us at the Ben Travers Theatre for the Groundlings production: Alexis Zegerman's Shout.

Shout is a heartful and humorous exploration of anxiety, celebrating individuality and finding one's own voice. In the lead role of Dana, who faces selective mutism, her vibrant imagination forms the core of her performance.

Since October, 45 pupils have been rehearsing this play to celebrate what every young person has to offer. While the subject matter has proved challenging, these talented individuals have risen to the occasion, finding the experience to be both rewarding and inspiring.

After the first read, I knew it was vital to honour the message of the play and ensure the playwright’s vision was brought to life authentically.

Director Charlotte Campling, LAMDA Teacher.

This production helps you to reflect on what it takes to overcome anxiety and navigate mental health challenges as a teenager.

Furthermore, for the first time ever, pupils have taken on co-directing roles, with Eve (Year 12) and Zoe (Year 12) leading in these positions. 'Their contributions have made all the difference, from rehearsal through to the final production.' - Charlotte Campling.

Performances are taking place in the Ben Travers Theatre (BTT) at 7:30pm from Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 January. Tickets are free and available to book below:

Book your tickets here.

BTT_Shout_A3Poster_v2-updatedPDF (PDF)

Written specifically for young audiences, the play was featured in the 2024 National Theatre Connections Festival and premiered by youth theatres across the UK, including a performance at the National Theatre in London. It provides opportunities for a flexible cast of any size and gender composition.