HRH Princess Royal Presents Award

HRH Princess Royal Presents Award

We are delighted to be one of this year's recipients of The Princess Royal Training Awards for 'Developing management skills to facilitate growth', through our Middle Manager Training Programme.

HRH The Princess Royal, President of the City and Guilds of London Institute, approved 53 Awards to a range of organisations across the UK and Ireland, for their outstanding training and skills development programmes, all of which have shown a significant positive impact on their organisation and people.

Jane Drew, Director of HR, was presented with the award by HRH The Princess Royal on 23 November at the Awards Ceremony and Reception held in St James's Palace, London.

We were delighted to receive this Award, recognising not only the inspiration and hard work that went into creating our Programme demonstrating the commitment the School has to developing the talent within our staff; but also the dedication of both the delegates and in-house trainers in drawing the best out of the Programme, year after year.

Jane Drew, director of HR

Now in its eighth year, The Princess Royal Training Awards continue to honour organisations showing exceptional commitment to learning and development. As skills shortages rise and job vacancies double across the UK and Ireland, engaging learning programmes for growing and retaining talent have become more crucial than ever before.

Jane Drew with Amy Rodway (Training Officer) and Beth Hughes (HR Manager) with Award

Award Profile

Charterhouse School
Developing management skills to facilitate growth

Education and training | 250-999 employees | Surrey

This independent school introduced the Middle Manager Training Programme to enable managers to oversee their own staff and resources effectively and support the growth of the organisation. With manager attrition rates falling to zero, a rise in employee satisfaction levels, and the freeing up of senior managers to focus on more strategic priorities, the programme’s success has resulted in it rollout to the teaching staff middle manager population.

Her Royal Highness at The Princess Royal Training Awards Ceremony