Dinner at the New Club, Edinburgh

Dinner at the New Club, Edinburgh

Some 40 guests attended the Scottish OC Dinner at the New Club (est.1787) in Edinburgh on Saturday, February 2017. A good proportion of the diners were undergraduate OCs attending Edinburgh and St Andrew's, although our senior guest David Dix-Perkin (g44) helped to keep the age range in balance. Our speaker was Verity Shaw (née Negus P79), who left the younger OCs present in no doubt that life for Carthusians (and girls in particular) has improved dramatically in the past 40 years!

Photograph from left to right: Drew Kemp R14; Patrick Harrison W14; Gus Giddins (tartan trews) W14; Hugo Jefferies B10;  Charlie Thomas W14; behind is Prof Robert Frost (BH 84-87)

By Bruce Walker (V72)