CCF Summer Shooting

CCF Summer Shooting

Another successful outing at the Schools Meeting for our CCF shooting team.

The team were coached throughout the final by Hermione (Year 12) and Freddie (Year 12) and came 7th in the Ashburton, our first top ten position for many years, and we were very close throughout to the eventual winners (Epsom), also Alasdair came third in the under 16 match, a brilliant result on his first outing, and DJT (2Lt Taylor) won the staff match for the second year in a row!

Throughout the week the cadets did extremely well, winning the Regimental Cup and coming second in the Devon and Babcock trophies, and winning the Regimental Cup. They were awarded 17 silvers spoons between them (given to each Cadet in the top 100 of each match on Tues and Weds) Freddie was 2nd and Hermione 8th in the Grand Aggregate (top scores in all competitions) and Hermione, Freddie, Charlotte (Year 10), Henry (Year 12), Alasdair (Year 10) and Xander (Year 11) were awarded ‘Cadet 100’ badges for being in the top 100 cadets across the meeting.

They finished tired but happy, and six pupils stayed on to shoot in the 155th NRA Imperial Competition, Alasdair to compete in the Cadet Imperial (using the Cadet Target Rifle) and using Target Rifles, and with CCRS sponsorship Hermione, Freddie, Henry, Charlotte and Louis (Year 11) are taking part in the full meeting and hoping to win through to ‘His Majesty The King's Final’ on the Saturday. (Updated report below)

Hermione and Freddie will be touring with the British Cadet Rifle Team (the Athelings) and Charlotte with the UKCRT (under 17) in August and we wait to hear how they get on.

Adding all this to the team and individual successes this year in small bore and air rifle Cadet Competitions and the British Schools small bore matches, we have certainly had a very good year!

Many thanks to DJT and Max Sheridan-Oliver (ex ‘P), RQMS Ridgers (from Surrey ACF) and our SSI C/Sgt Wilson, as without them none of the quality training and preparation for these events would happen.


NRA 155th Imperial

Six pupils (Hermione, Freddie, Henry, Louis, and Alasdair) stayed on to shoot in the 155th NRA Imperial Competition, with Alasdair competing in the Cadet Imperial (using the Cadet Target Rifle), and Hermione, Freddie, Henry, Charlotte and Louis using Target Rifles to take part in the full NRA Imperial meeting and hoping to win through to ‘His Majesty The King's Final’.

Alasdair was the Top cadet in the Cadet Imperial Aggregate, winning a gold medal, Blazer badge and free entry to the NRA Imperial next year! He also came second overall in the ‘Cadet Kings Prize’.

Although there were some good results throughout the week, only Charlotte managed to make it to the ‘King’s’ second round, everyone else being caught out by a very variable wind, but a ‘sight malfunction’ and another tricky wind meant that, for the first time for four years, we had no current Carthusians in ‘His Majesty the King’s final on Saturday.

All that were there thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and we are looking forward to doing it again next year.

Good Luck and best wishes to Hermione and Freddie who will tour with the British Cadet Rifle Team (the Athelings) and Charlotte who will tour with the UK Cadet (under 17) Rifle Team in August, we wish them safe travels, lovely weather (no wind!) and good shooting!