
Geography – the study of the Earth’s surface features and related human activity – has a vital place in the twenty-first century curriculum. The subject helps us to understand our own place on a complex planet, and confidently to face issues such as climate change, geopolitical tensions, water, energy and food security, and poverty and inequality. 

The Geography Department provides pupils with the opportunity to develop skills in the subject, in a dynamic environment, with the very best IT facilities in a supportive atmosphere.

Geography offers profound insights into the way human and physical processes interact. Human beings are placing ever greater demands on the Earth and its systems: are we approaching some crisis point? What causes desertification, droughts, floods and hurricanes? Are they purely natural phenomena, or are they exacerbated by human activity? Geography gives us the language and techniques to approach these questions with confidence. 

Geography shows how human lives are shaped by local circumstances: not only the physical features of the place, but also the social, economic and political characteristics and relationships. Geography explores how each place exists in a regional, national, international and global context. 

This is a practical subject, teaching transferable skills including cooperation, graphicacy, numeracy and functional ICT. Geography pupils learn about map use (including GIS), data processing, problem solving and evaluative analysis. They find out how to work alone and in teams. They work directly in the real world, and gain a proper awareness of social and environmental responsibility.

For full details of the curriculum, please use the link below.
