OC Will Dyson (G08) recently took part in the Marathon Des Sables; a 155-mile ultramarathon in the Moroccan Sahara desert!
OC News
Paul Benney (R77) is painting the official State Coronation Portrait of Queen Camilla, which will become a part of the Royal Collection and will hang in the State Rooms of Buckingham Palace.
Old Carthusian Stefan Irvine (D94) has released a new book, ‘Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong’.
From Dublin to Hong Kong to Western Australia – One Old Carthusian's remarkable tale of resilience.
When Old Carthusian Henry Liddell graduated from Charterhouse, it was yet unknown that his daughter, Alice Pleasance Liddell, would become the muse for Lewis Carroll’s famous Victorian novel: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
It’s important not to forget to take the time to be grateful for those around us.
OC Simon Brierly (V73) kindly shared this captivating story about two OCs who met on D Day in extraordinary circumstances.
The fifth Charterhouse Inspires brought together our community to debate ‘The Future of Leadership.’
Charterhouse Art Network invites Old Carthusians and parents to an early summer event: a visit to the Stanley Picker Trust.
Over 55 OCs, parents and current pupils came together our Finance Networking Event in London.