Mr Charlie Sparrow

I have great pleasure in introducing myself to you as the Head of Girdlestoneites.

Mr Charlie Sparrow

Mr Charlie Sparrow, MA

I am delighted to be Head of Duckites at this exciting time of coeducational boarding before becoming a girls’ House from September 2026.

I approach my role with empathy, energy and enthusiasm. Weekites is a House in which pupils feel valued, confident and secure – a base from which they can thrive in all areas of school life, taking responsibility for their own progress along the way.

The Duckite boys have already achieved so much and this is a great foundation on which to build in the coming years. With the arrival of the girls and the refurbishment of the House, we all work together to foster a friendly, family atmosphere in which every member of the House community looks after one another as well as themselves, celebrating accomplishments and bouncing back from disappointments together.

After nine years as Head of the Fourth Form at Charterhouse, I know how important it is to set a positive and inclusive tone from the outset, and I can’t wait to cheer on the pupils as they throw themselves into House Art, Music, Drama and Sport, offering what advice I can from my time as a football, hockey and cricket coach. Hopefully, my love of reading, as an English teacher, might rub off too!

Girdlestoneites House Colour