Mr John Eastham


Our aim in Pageites is to provide an environment that forms a home away from home in which all members of the House are appreciated and valued as individuals.

The boys are given every opportunity and encouragement to develop their intellectual curiosity, enthusiasm for learning and academic abilities as well as their very many individual interests and talents. Pageites is well known for its friendliness and integration of pupils within and across year groups.

Throughout their time in the House, Pageites develop their self-confidence and self-reliance, teamwork, leadership and social skills. In the Under School boys help out with the day to day running of the House and all First Year Specialists are given opportunities to take on specific responsibilities before playing key roles in helping to run the House in their final year. Overall, we form a vibrant and diverse community and all Pageites contribute positively to the house and school atmosphere in all that they do.

My main advice to pupils is to take advantage of all the amazing opportunities that are on offer here at Charterhouse and to live by the maxim “the more you put in, the more you get out”; it is really true. 

Mr John Eastham, BA

John is also a teacher of History and Contingent Commander of the Combined Cadet Force at Charterhouse. Before Head of Pageites, he was a very popular Deputy Head of House in Daviesites for four years. Prior to Charterhouse, John was at Bury Grammar School where he held a number of roles including teacher of History, Head of Year and Head of PSHE.

Pageites House Colour