School Routine

Understanding the ‘Shape of the Week’ at School gives a greater insight into the weekly routine.

Boarding Pupils

Start of the Day

Monday through to Saturday, the day begins with breakfast between 7.15am and 8.00am, followed by registration in Houses at 8.00am.

The Weekend

After Saturday lessons and afternoon sporting commitments, many boarding pupils stay at School over the weekend, and take part in the weekend activities programme. On Sundays there is a delicious brunch and pupils may ask permission from their Head of House to go to Godalming on a Sunday
afternoon. Pupils in Years 11 to13 also have the option to go to Guildford.

Return to School

Parents or guardians may choose to return their child to School on either Sunday evening – by 8.30pm for Under School and by 9pm for Specialists (Sixth Form) – or Monday morning by 8.00am for registration.

Day Pupils

Start of the Day

Monday through to Saturday, day pupils arrive by 8.00am to attend registration in their House. Parents may choose for their child to have breakfast at School between 7.15am and 8.00am.

End of the Day

On weekdays, pupils may leave at 6pm or after School commitments. Day pupils may stay for supper, homework and other evening activities that they want to get involved in.

The Weekend

On Saturdays, pupils may leave after sports commitments.

Shape of the Week
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday Saturday 
Chapel or tutorials: 08:30 Chapel or tutorials: 08:30 Lesson 1: 08:30
Lesson 1: 08:50 Lesson 1: 08:50 Lesson 2: 09:15
Lesson 2: 09:50 Lesson 2: 09:50 Lesson 3: 10:00
Morning Break  Morning Break  Morning Break 
Lesson 3: 10:50 Lesson 3: 10:50 Lesson 4: 11:15
Lesson 4: 11:35 Lesson 4: 11:35 Lesson 5: 12:00
Lesson 5: 12:20 Lesson 5: 12:20  Lunch
Lunch Lunch Sport
Lesson 6: 14:00 Sport and co-curricular activities Sport
Lesson 7: 14:45 Sport and co-curricular activities Sport
Lesson 8: 15:30 Sport and co-curricular activities Sport
Co-curricular activities after 16:45 Sport and co-curricular activities Sport