Anti-discrimination Charter

Anti-discrimination Charter

The ‘Unity’ Pupil Action Committee, in collaboration with the Heads of School, recently delivered a powerful assembly centred on the impact of inclusive language, the importance of microaffirmations, and how to effectively confront all forms of discrimination.

Their message is captured in the new Anti-Discrimination Charter, a testament to Charterhouse’s commitment to fostering a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment.

This inspiring group of pupil leaders has been actively delivering assemblies across year groups, sharing the charter and setting a high standard for the School community in the year ahead.

I thought it was moving and a perfect example of how a society should run not just in the School but in the world.

A Year 11 pupil

I think that everyone has listened very well to what we all had to say about what is a very serious topic and I hope that the message will be well received by every year group in the coming weeks. 

Clara (Year 13)

I thought it was a really well constructed presentation with essential information relating to methods of fighting discrimination at Charterhouse, as well as how to avoid making mistakes rooted in naivety.

Olu (Year 13)

The pupil presentation was heartfelt, powerful and sharing stories of their own experience was an impactful way for pupils to understand the impact of discrimination. 

Mr Sam Cooke, Assistant Head (Under School)

Link to Anti-discrimination Charter